This topic has been dominated cannabis headlines the last month, as you may have noticed in the news of one of our previous episodes. The old stigma of the lazy stoner is fading, and now people are starting to instead wonder if marijuana can be performance enhancing. The CannaPod Squad takes on the debate, using personal experiences and science. Former cycling champ, Floyd Landis weighs in, and talks about his use of cannabis for pain relief and recovery. He and his business partner, Scott, aka. Wolfman also talk about how this led them to create their cannabis infused products business, Floyds of Leadville. They take good care of their plants and only produce high quality products, with an emphasis on health and healthy living.
Our news this week covers: cannabis and sports, marijuana gyms, and even Miley Cyrus, whose performance took a dip without smoking.
Interested in learning more about tinctures? Listen in on our product review this week!
Be sure to check next week’s show where we will be discussing using cannabis for your dog!
And last, but not least, for your viewing pleasure…the CannaSquad lookin’ not quite our best!